Sanskrit tools

समाख्यात samākhyāta  acknowledged as (comp.) Car.
  named, called VP.
  famed, celebrated, notorious W.
समाख्यान samākhyāna  [ noun n ] n. naming, mentioning A1past. Ka1m.
  report, narrative MBh.
  appellation, name Ka1tyS3r.
समाख्याय samākhyāya  [ noun m f[samākhyāyā] n ] mfn. to be addressed or exhorted A1past. (v.l.)
समाख्यायम् samākhyāyam  ind. while mentioning by name (in aṅga-s°) AitBr.
समागम् samāgam  P. -gacchati, to come together (in a friendly or hostile manner; also sexually), meet, be united with (instr. with and without saha, or *rdham) S3Br. ChUp. MBh. etc. ; to come together (as heavenly bodies in conjunction or occultation) VarBr2S. ; to come to, come near, approach, arrive at (acc. or loc.) MBh. Ka1v. etc. ; to come back, return from (abl.) ib. ; to meet with, come upon, find (acc.) MBh. : Caus. -gamayati, to cause to come together, bring together, unite one thing or person (acc.) with another (instr. or loc.) R. Vikr.
समागत samāgata  [ noun m f[samāgatā] n ] mfn. come together, met, encountered, joined, assembled Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. etc.
  being in conjunction with (instr.) VarBr2S.
  come to, approached, arrived, returned R. Mr2icch. etc.
 samāgatā: [ noun f ] f. a kind of riddle or enigma (the meaning of which is hidden by the saṁdhi q.v.) Ka1vya7d.
समागति samāgati  [ noun f ] f. coming together, meeting, union W.
  approach, arrival, similar condition or progress ib.
समागन्तव्य samāgantavya  [ noun n ] n. (impers.) it is to be met or approached Va1s.
समागम samāgama  [ noun m ] m. (ifc. f(ā).) coming together (either in a hostile or friendly manner), union (also sexual), junction, encounter or meeting with (instr. with or without saha gen., [rarely] loc., or comp.) Mn. MBh. etc.
  association, assembly of (comp.) MBh. R. Katha1s.
  conjunction (of planets) VarBr2S.
  approach, arrival W.
समागमकारिन् samāgamakārin  [ noun m f[samāgamakāriṇī] n ] mfn. causing union MW.
समागमक्षण samāgamakṣaṇa  [ noun m ] m. the moment of union Ra1jat.
समागमप्रार्थना samāgamaprārthanā  [ noun f ] f. the desire of association MW.
समागममनोरथ samāgamamanoratha  [ noun m ] m. the desire of union Vikr.
समागमोपाय samāgamopāya  [ noun m ] m. means of union MW.
समागमन samāgamana  [ noun n ] n. coming together, meeting, union (also = sexual intercourse) MBh.
समागमिन् samāgamin  [ noun m f[samāgaminī] n ] mfn. coming together, meeting, Ind. Ant.
  future, imminent ib.
समागलित samāgalita  [ noun m f[samāgalitā] n ] mfn. ( gai) fallen down, fallen MBh.
समागाढ samāgāḍha  [ noun m f[samāgāḍhā] n ] mfn. ( gāh) intense, violent (only in -tara, "more or most intense or violent") Ka1ran2d2.
समागृभाय samāgṛbhāya  P. -gṛbhāyati ( grah), to seize together or at once, take hold of. RV. AV.
समाघात samāghāta  see sam-ā-han.
समाघ्रा samāghrā  P. -jighrati, to smell at, smell R. Mr2icch. ; to kiss MBh. Ragh.
समाघ्राण samāghrāṇa  [ noun n ] n. smelling at anything Ka1d.
समाचक्ष् samācakṣ  A1. -caṣṭe, to relate fully, tell, report MBh. R. BhP.
समाचम् samācam  (only ind.p. -camya), to sip water (as a religious act in ceremonial observances cf. ā-cam) MBh.
समाचर् samācar  P. -carati (ep. also A1. °te), to act or behave or conduct one's self towards (loc.) MBh. Pan5cat. ; to practise, perform thoroughly, do, accomplish (with āhāram and instr., "to feed upon") Mn. MBh. etc. ; to associate with (instr.) Gaut. ; (with dūrāt) to remove Mn. iv, 151.
समाचर samācara  [ noun m f[samācarā] n ] mfn. practising, observing W.
समाचरण samācaraṇa  [ noun n ] n. practising, performing, observing, be having, performance ib.
समाचरणीय samācaraṇīya  [ noun m f[samācaraṇīyā] n ] mfn. to be practised or observed Das3.
समाचरित samācarita  [ noun m f[samācaritā] n ] mfn. practised, performed, done, committed W.
समाचार samācāra  [ noun m ] m. (for samā*c° see p. 1153, col. 1) procedure, practice, conduct, behaviour in (comp.) MBh. R. etc.
  custom, usage, usual way or method Pan5cat. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
  (ifc.) the customary presentation of. Katha1s.
  "doings", news, report, information, tradition W.
समाचीर्ण samācīrṇa  [ noun m f[samācīrṇā] n ] mfn. performed, done, practised, committed MBh.
समाचि1 samāci1  P. A1. -cinoti, -cinute, to put together, heap up, accumulate MBh. Hariv. Pa1n2. Sch. ; to load or cover with (instr.) MBh. R. etc. ; to fill up (cavities in a road) AV.
समाचयन samācayana  o. Putting or heaping together, accumulation, aggregation Pat. on Pa1n2. 3-1, 19 Va1rtt. 3,
समाचित samācita  [ noun m f[samācitā] n ] mfn. heaped together, covered with, overspread MBh. Ka1v. etc.
समाचेष्टित samāceṣṭita  [ noun n ] n. ( ceṣṭ) gesture, procedure, behaviour, conduct Ka1d.
समाच्छद् samācchad  (), Caus. -cchādayati to cover completely with, overspread veil, cloud (also fig. to obscure or stupefy the mind) MBh.
समाच्छन्न samācchanna  [ noun m f[samācchannā] n ] mfn. completely covered with etc. W.
समाच्छिद् samācchid  ( only ind.p. -cchidya), to cut or tear off, snatch away R.
समाज samāja  etc. see sam-aj, p.1153.
समाजुहूषमाण samājuhūṣamāṇa  see samā-hve, p. 1163, col. 3.
समाज्ञा samājñā  to know or understand thoroughly, become acquainted with, ascertain, perceive, observe, recognize MBh. Hariv. Vet. : Caus. -jnāpayati (cf. next) , to order, command, direct, authorize MBh. R. etc.
समाज्ञप्त samājñapta  [ noun m f[samājñaptā] n ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) ordered, commanded, directed Hariv.
समाज्ञा samājñā  [ noun f ] f. appellation, name La1t2y. TUp.
  reputation, fame L.
समाज्ञात samājñāta  [ noun m f[samājñātā] n ] mfn. known, ascertained, acknowledged as (nom. or comp.) MBh. Hariv.
समाज्ञान samājñāna  [ noun n ] n. the being acknowledged as (comp.) Nya1yas. Sch.
समातन् samātan  P. A1. -tanoti, -tanute, to extend, stretch, bend (a bow) MBh. Ra1jat. ; to effect, produce, cause MBh.
समातत samātata  [ noun m f[samātatā] n ] mfn. extended, stretched, strung (as a bow) MBh.
  continuous, uninterrupted W.
समाति samāti  see á-samāti.
समातृ samātṛ  [ noun f ] f. a stepmother BhP.
समातृक samātṛka  [ noun m f[samātṛkā] n ] mfn. together with a mother BhP.
समातृचक्रवाल samātṛcakravāla  [ noun m f[samātṛcakravālā] n ] mfn. attended by the whole circle of divine mātṛs MW.
समादर samādara  [ noun m ] m. ( dṛ) great respect, veneration MW.
समादरणीय samādaraṇīya  [ noun m f[samādaraṇīyā] n ] mfn. to be greatly respected or venerated ib.
समादृत samādṛta  [ noun m f[samādṛtā] n ] mfn. very respectful, showing great regard BhP.
समादा samādā  P. A1. -dadāti, -datte, (P.) to give, bestow, present MBh. Hariv. ; to give back, restore BhP. ; (A1.) to take away fully or entirely, take away with one, accept, receive RV. etc. etc. ; to take out or away, remove, with draw Mn. MBh. ; to take hold of. grasp, seize MBh. ; to gather, collect MBh. ; to apprehend, perceive, comprehend, find out Das3ar. ; to take to heart, reflect on BhP. ; to undertake, begin (with vacanam, or vākyam, "a speech") MBh. : Caus. -dāpayati, to establish DivyA7v. ; to instigate (see sam-ādāpaka etc.)
समादत्त samādatta  [ noun m f[samādattā] n ] mfn. taken away, taken hold of. seized, received BhP.
समादान samādāna  [ noun n ] n. taking fully or entirely, taking upon one's self. contracting, incurring MBh.
  beginning, undertaking Lalit.
  resolve, determination ib. (L. also "receiving suitable donations"; "the daily observances of the jaina sect"; "the middle part of the sacrificial post").
समादानिक samādānika  [ noun m f[samādānikā] n ] mfn. (fr. prec.) , Maha1vy.
समादापक samādāpaka  [ noun m f[samādāpakā] n ] mfn. (fr. Caus.) exciting, instigating DivyA7v.
समादापन samādāpana  [ noun n ] n. excitation, instigation Lalit.
समादाय samādāya  ind. having undertaken DivyA7v.
समादेय samādeya  [ noun m f[samādeyā] n ] mfn. to be taken or received Pan5cat.
समादिश् samādiś  P. -diśati, to assign, allot Mn. MBh. R. ; to point out, indicate, announce, communicate, declare Ka1v. VarBr2S. BhP. ; to appoint, name, designate MBh. R. etc. ; to foretell, foreshow Ka1v. Katha1s. ; to direct, advise, order, command to (dat. inf., or -artham) S3rS. MBh. etc.: Caus. -deśayati, to order, command Pan5cat.
समादिष्ट samādiṣṭa  [ noun m f[samādiṣṭā] n ] mfn. assigned, indicated, directed, commanded, enjoined MBh. Ka1v. etc.
समादेश samādeśa  [ noun m ] m. direction, advice, instruction, order, command A1past. R. etc.
समादेशन samādeśana  [ noun n ] n. information, instruction Sa1h.
समाद्रु samādru  P. -dravati (cp. also A1. °te), to run together towards or against, rush at, attack, assail (acc.) MBh. R.
समाधा samādhā  P. A1. -dadhāti, -dhatte, to place or put or hold or fix together S3Br. MBh. etc. ; to compose, set right, repair, put in order, arrange, redress, restore MBh. Hit. ; to put to, add, put on (esp. fuel on the fire) AV. S3Br. R. ; to kindle, stir (fire) S3Br. ; to place, set, lay, fix, direct, settle, adjust (with astram, "to adjust an arrow"; with garbham, "to impregnate"; with savituḥ, "to lay in the sun"; with dṛṣṭim, cittam, cetas, matim, manas, "to direct or fix the eyes or mind upon [loc.]"; with matim, "to settle in one's mind, resolve", "make up one's mind" [followed by iti]; with ātmānam, or manas, "to collect the thoughts or concentrate the mind in meditation etc."; without an acc. - "to be absorbed in meditation or prayer") RV. etc. etc. ; to impose upon (loc.) MBh. ; to entrust or commit to (loc.) ib. ; to establish in (loc.) Ragh. ; to effect, cause, produce Hariv. ; (in the following meanings only A1.) to take to or upon one's self. conceive (in the womb), put on (a garment or dress), assume (a shape), undergo (effort), show, exhibit, display MBh. Ka1v. etc. ; to devote one's self entirely to, give one's self up to (acc.) R. Hariv. etc. (once in Bhat2t2. P.) ; to lay down as settled, settle, establish, prove, declare, Kap. Sch. ; to admit, grant Kull. on Mn. viii, 54 : Desid. -dhitsati, to wish to put together, desire to collect the thoughts MBh. xii, 9586.
समाधा samādhā  [ noun m ] m. (only L.) putting together, adjusting, settling, reconciling, clearing up difficulties etc.
  completion, accomplishment.
समाधातव्य samādhātavya  [ noun m f[samādhātavyā] n ] mfn. to be put in order or set right Hit.
समाधान samādhāna  [ noun n ] n. putting together, laying, adding (esp. fuel to fire) Gobh.
  composing, adjusting, settling, and
  reconciliation MBh.
  intentness, attention (acc. with kṛ, "to attend") , eagerness S3am2k. Pan5car.
  fixing the mind in abstract contemplation (as on the true nature of spirit), religious meditation, profound absorption or contemplation MBh. Ka1v. Veda7ntas.
  justification of a statement, proof (cf. -rūpaka) Sarvad.
  (in logic) replying to the pūrva-pakṣa MW.
  (in dram.) fixing the germ or leading incident (which gives rise to the whole plot e.g. S3ak. i, 27)
समाधानमात्र samādhānamātra  [ noun n ] n. mere contemplation or meditation MW.
समाधानरूपक samādhānarūpaka  [ noun n ] n. a kind of metaphor (used for the justification of a bold assertion) Ka1vya7d.
समाधानीय samādhānīya  [ noun m f[samādhānīyā] n ] mfn. to be put together or joined Un2. ii, 109 Sch.
समाधायक samādhāyaka  [ noun m f[samādhāyakā] n ] mfn. composing, reconciling Shad2gurus3.
समाधि samādhi  [ noun m ] m. putting together, joining or combining with (instr.) La1t2y.
  a joint or a partic. position of the neck Kir.
  union, a whole, aggregate, set R. Hariv. Ragh.
  completion, accomplishment, conclusion Kum.
  setting to rights, adjustment, settlement MBh.
  justification of a statement, proof Sarvad.
  bringing into harmony, agreement, assent W. RPra1t.
  intense application or fixing the mind on, intentness, attention (°dhiṁ-kṛ, "to attend") MBh. R. etc.
  concentration of the thoughts, profound or abstract meditation, intense contemplation of any particular object (so as to identify the contemplator with the object meditated upon; this is the eighth and last stage of yoga [IW. 93]; with Buddhists samādhi is the fourth and last stage of dhyāna or intense abstract meditation [MWB. 209]; in the kāraṇḍa-vyūha several samādhi are enumerated) Up. Buddh. MBh. etc.
  intense absorption or a kind of trance MBh. Ka1v. etc.
  a sanctuary or tomb of a saint W. RTL. 261
  (in rhet.) N. of various figures of speech (defined as ārohā*varohakrama, artha-dṛṣṭi, anya-dharmāṇām anyatrā*dhirohaṇa etc.), Ka1vya7d. Va1m. Kpr. etc.
  N. of the 17th kalpa (q.v.), of the 17th arhat of the future utsarpiṇī L.
  of a vaiśya Cat. (accord. to L. also "silence; a religious vow of intense devotion or self-imposed abstraction; support, upholding; continuance; perseverance in difficulties; attempting impossibilities; collecting or laying up grain in times of dearth")
समाधिगर्भ samādhigarbha  [ noun m ] m. N. of a bodhi-sattva Buddh.
समाधित्व samādhitva  [ noun n ] n. the state of profound meditation or devotion Sarvad.
समाधिनिष्ठ samādhiniṣṭha  [ noun m f[samādhiniṣṭhā] n ] mfn. devoted to meditation Pan5cat.
समाधिपरिहाणि samādhiparihāṇi  [ noun f ] f. diminution of meditation Dharmas. 59
समाधिप्रकरण samādhiprakaraṇa  [ noun n ] n. N. of wk.
समाधिबल samādhibala  [ noun n ] n. the force of meditation Dharmas. 75
समाधिभङ्ग samādhibhaṅga  [ noun m ] m. the disturbing or interruption of meditation Pan5cat.
समाधिभृत् samādhibhṛt  [ noun m f n ] mfn. absorbed in meditation S3is3.
समाधिभेद samādhibheda  [ noun m ] m. ( = -bhaṅga) Kum.
समाधिभेदिन् samādhibhedin  [ noun m f[samādhibhedinī] n ] mfn. one who interrupts meditation Ragh.
समाधिमत् samādhimat  [ noun m f[samādhimatī] n ] mfn. absorbed in meditation Kum.
  attentive R.
  making a promise or assent or permission W.
समाधिमतिका samādhimatikā  [ noun f ] f. N. of a woman Ma1lav. (v.l. for samāhitikā in B.)